Sesión 2: Más allá del discurso del poder

<<Volver a la página principal de la cumbre Jueves 26 de mayo, 2022 Eventos en vivo y en línea Aula Magna, Universidad Panamericana A medida que ingresamos a una nueva dinámica con respecto a los eventos híbridos, recuerde mantener una distancia segura y la etiqueta de COVID cuando asista a eventos en persona. A menos […]

Sesión 1: Las políticas como discursos en la diplomacia cultural

<<Volver a la página principal de la cumbre Miércoles 25 de mayo, 2022 Eventos en vivo y en línea Auditorium Xavier Scheifler, S.J. y Patio Central, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México CEX-IBERO Centro de Exploración y Pensamiento Crítico, Ciudad de México (Recepción nocturna) A medida que ingresamos a una nueva dinámica con respecto a los […]

Session 3: Other Actors: De-centering the cultural diplomacy policy

<<Return to main Summit 3 page Friday May 27, 2022 Virtual and In-Person at Centro Cultural Tijuana, Baja California Norte The sessions also will be hosted on Zoom and streamed on Facebook Live. All keynote presentations and panels will use the same Zoom link, which will be emailed to you once you register for the […]

Session 2: Beyond the Power Discourse

<<Return to main Summit 3 page Thursday May 26, 2022 Virtual and In-Person at Aula Magna at Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City Unless otherwise stated, the sessions also will be hosted on Zoom and streamed on Facebook Live. All keynote presentations and panels will use the same Zoom link, which will be emailed to you once […]

Session 1: Policies as Discourses in Cultural Diplomacy

<< Return to main Summit 3 page Wednesday May 25, 2022 Virtual and In-Person at: Auditorium Xavier Scheifler, S.J. Building S, Floor and Central Patio at Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City CEX-IBERO Centro de Exploración y Pensamiento Crítico, Mexico City (Evening Reception) As we enter a new dynamic regarding hybrid events, please remember to maintain a […]

The Cultural Relations Approach to Diplomacy: Policies as Discourse

Policies as Discourses is the last in a series of three research summits organized by the North American Cultural Diplomacy Initiative as part of the SSHRC-funded research project The Cultural Relations Approach to Diplomacy: Practice, Players, Policy. Convening May 25-27, 2022 Language(s): English (main), Spanish and Mixtec Policies as Discourses proposes a way of ordering […]

Remembering and Engaging: Diaspora Museums as Cultural Diplomats

The second research summit of the SSHRC-supported research project “The Cultural Relations Approach to Diplomacy: Practice, Policy and Players,” held in fall 2021, addressed how the landscape of actors or players involved in cultural diplomacy has changed. It explored the premise that nation-states are no longer the only key players in cultural, or any other […]

Global Governance of the Environment, Indigenous Peoples and the Rights of Nature, Linda Etchart’s new book

Dr. Linda Etchart will speak about her new book, Global Governance of the Environment, Indigenous Peoples and the Rights of Nature: Extractive Industries in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Palgrave MacMillan, 2022) as part of a broader NACDI-hosted panel discussion “Decentering the Nature – Culture Divide in Diplomacy.” This book explores the obstacles facing indigenous communities, non-governmental […]